I've mentioned before that finding a rule that acted on a message can be quite frustrating, and I've sung the praises for the old Mac Eudora's feature that allowed one to select one or more messages and then see the rules that would operate on them. Mac Eudora had a menu item that showed all rules, allowed editing/copying/deleting them. Holding down a bucky bit (I think it was "option") when clicking this menu item with one or more messages selected opened the window and highlighted the rules that matched the selected message(s). Super handy.


On 25 Nov 2020, at 12:04, Glenn Parker wrote:

On 25 Nov 2020, at 13:14, Charlie Clark wrote:

On 25 Nov 2020, at 16:18, Glenn Parker wrote:

Rules are stored in ~/Library/Application\\ Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist

You can open it with TextEdit and search for “rule”. Probably safest to do this when MailMate is not running, or make a copy of the file to play around with.

Yes, I worked that out. Looks like it's a form of JSON, so I can probably write something to work with it. I can sort of understand why it's not accessible in another way from within MailMate but I think it could be useful to see filters / rules together.

I wasn’t thinking you would do any serious editing in TextEdit. This will allow you to find the location of the rule, after which you can go back to editing it inside MailMate as usual.

Glenn P. Parker
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