On 26 Nov 2020, at 15:58, m...@rhp.tw wrote:

I have never found an explanation as to why Qualcomm purchased Eudora. It made little business sense as Qualcomm has always been a semiconductor

They got it because the developer (Steve Dorner?) of it started working for them. In America, and possibly elsewhere, what employees work on, even in their spare time, is often considered company property…

You're right, if Qualcomm had been a software house, things might have been different and the abomination that is Microsoft Outlook might never have seen the light of day. But Qualcomm was DoD contractor with a sideline in silicon, so why should it bother?

Of course, being a software house didn't really help Netscape, though Marc Andreessen, who was contemporaneous with Dorner, personally did very well out of things.

But it seems that people simply aren't really interested in efficient communication. XKCD hit the nail on the head again: https://xkcd.com/2389/


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