> On Apr 29, 2022, at 7:28 AM, Randall Gellens <mailm...@randy.pensive.org> 
> wrote:
> On 28 Apr 2022, at 20:02, Bill Cole wrote:
>> On 2022-04-28 at 18:03:47 UTC-0400 (Thu, 28 Apr 2022 15:03:47 -0700)
>> Randall Gellens <mailmate@lists.freron.com>
>> is rumored to have said:
>>> This is what I do for all my archive and auto-delete functions, but it 
>>> seems to me that the rules in the smart mailbox don't always fire until I 
>>> click on the mailbox to view it, a bit like Schrödinger's mailbox. I also 
>>> find this behavior in general, e.g., I see a new message arrive in my main 
>>> Inbox that should have been moved by a rule to a different mailbox, but 
>>> instead it sits in my Inbox for hours (maybe longer) but if I click on the 
>>> mailbox to which it should have been moved, there it is and it's gone when 
>>> I switch back to the Inbox. It seems that, for whatever reason, rules don't 
>>> always trigger or at least the effect of them running isn't always visible. 
>>> But other times they do seem to run automatically.
>> This is an IMAP artifact. You don't see the message in the new location 
>> until you resynch the new location.
> You're saying that MailMate doesn't resync a mailbox after it moves a 
> message? And furthermore, ignores IDLE, which my server supports and which MM 
> issues? Even if that was the case (which seems very hard to believe), then 
> how is that the rules do work as intended at other times?

I always just thought it was a minor UI glitch. When it happens to me, the 
moved message will sometimes be there for quite awhile- but if I switch to 
another mailbox and back quickly, it disappears as expected.

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