On 4 Feb 2023, at 15:03, Henry Seiden wrote:

I also noticed in this release (5939-5941) that sometimes the appearance of the link is in RED on a RED background, [sometimes BLACK letters on ORANGE background for me on some accounts](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sm07rfnzw2njc7f/AAA2gwYRFahYsYzcaMsZnYpEa?dl=0) and other wise (more often) [BLACK letters on WHITE background](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sm07rfnzw2njc7f/AAA2gwYRFahYsYzcaMsZnYpEa?dl=0) on others.

Is this an intended or an adjustable convention?

This is not currently configurable.

Orange: The URL of a blocked image

Red: It's either a link to an `http:` URL (which is *always* unsafe) or MailMate detected that the displayed text of a link looks like a URL, but the actual link does not match it.

Normal: https://freron.com
Red: http://freron.com

Normal: [https://example.com/good_url](https://example.com/good_url)
Red: [https://example.com/good_url](https://example.com/bad_url)

In other words, the colors are just there to help you notice potential security issues.

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