John Doherty via mailmate wrote (at 12:27 PM on Sunday, February 5, 2023):

> On Sun 2023-02-05 12:42 PM MST -0700, <> wrote:
>> Yup, I never even noticed before that this option existed and can't really 
>> think of why I would want to do it. But different strokes, etc. Maybe 
>> someone has a reason that I haven't thought of.
>> I believe the typical use case is something like this: Whenever receiving an 
>> email with a non-descriptive subject header such as “Help” or “Bug” (it 
>> happens a lot) then the recipient might want to rewrite the subject to 
>> something which makes it easier to identify later on.
> Having now thought a little more, I have one long-term and pretty regular 
> correspondent who nearly always uses terrible subjects (e.g., "question") and 
> has other sort of horrible email habits, like responding to existing threads 
> with new messages with new subjects.
> I might try this feature after all but would have to experiment some. I 
> wonder how things would work out if the chain of messages goes like this, 
> where B is me:
> A: Subject: question
> B: change subject to something helpful, reply
> A: replies, does not change subject
> B: replies, does not change subject
> A: "replies" but really sends a new message with some other unhelpful subject
> B: change subject back to same as second message, reply
> A: replies, does not change subject
> And so on. Might be more trouble than it's worth, but this is a correspondent 
> whose messages I sometimes want to find and refer to much later, like months 
> or more. That's when the bad email habits are even worse than in the moment. 
> Stuff can be pretty hard to find.

Seems like for many people, applying a descriptive tag to the discussion might 
be easier than force-applying a change of subject line to an extended thread.

I miss Eudora's powerful abilities too, but as Benny mentioned, they become 
more difficult both to implement and to use an an IMAP world.
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