On 5 Feb 2023, at 14:01, Malcolm Fitzgerald wrote:

On 6 Feb 2023, at 9:36, John Cooper wrote:

John Doherty via mailmate wrote (at 12:27 PM on Sunday, February 5, 2023):

On Sun 2023-02-05 12:42 PM MST -0700, <mailingl...@freron.com> wrote:

I have one long-term and pretty regular correspondent who nearly always uses terrible subjects (e.g., "question") and has other sort of horrible email habits, like responding to existing threads with new messages with new subjects.

Seems like for many people, applying a descriptive tag to the discussion might be easier than force-applying a change of subject line to an extended thread.

This seems to be a much better solution. It's much more flexible and comprehensive than messing around with email subject lines. Especially as it seems like your friend will figure out how to break any scheme you invent to "organise" them. You can archive/copy email to specific mailboxes too.

I can see the usefulness of being able to tag messages, but that doesn't solve the problems for which being able to edit a received message is a solution.

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