OK, this is what happens. I go to icloud.com and sign in. That all works fine with my new password (this is on my macbook). I click on App Specific Passwords and it tells me I have none (I know I have created at least one in the past, not sure if it was for MM or not, I forget). So I click on the button that says 'generate an app specific password.' I name this 'mailmate.' That takes me to the message 'C, ontinue on one of your devices On an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch go to Settings > Apple ID. On a Mac go to System Preferences or System Settings > Apple ID.'

OK, so I go to my phone, to settings/apple ID. There's nothing there that seems to be encouraging me to continue. 2 factor ID is on. I look under Password & Security, nothing about app specific passwords there. Can't find anything anywhere that appears to help.

I go back to the macbook and hit the ok button underneath the previous instructions to continue on another device, but nothing happens there either. It just takes me back to the beginning.

what am I doiing wrong??

(to be clear, this was all working just fine before I changed my apple ID password a few days ago - I was receiving my icloud mail via MM no problem - and yes I've updated the password in the IMAP account settings with the new apple ID password)

On 13 Aug 2023, at 18:10, Henry Seiden wrote:


You create an app specific password in iCloud.com. However, you need to enable two-factor first. Then you can create the app-specific password there. Maybe that’s why things are different with the changes you made?

Here’s an [Apple Support document on implementing app-specific passwords](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204397).

I label my own app-specific passwords with the apps they are used with for clarity in iCloud.com and in my local password manager(mSecure).

All version of MailMate have no problem using the third party passwords once updated in iCloud. If you changed your base password in iCloud that is the first place to look to confirm its settings are still in place. Usually they stay put, I have not seen them change for this reason, but recommend that you check your iCloud.

On 13 Aug 2023, at 19:55, Jo wrote:

My error message suggests I might need an app specific password which I vaguely remember doing before, but I can't seem to create one._______________________________________________
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