I use coloring in a slightly different manner  :

I show in attachment the Inbox, which I want to organise by topics. For each topic I attach a tag, then create a smart mailbox for each tag/topic, and apply color rules for each smart mailbox. Then I want to keep the mails corresponding to each topic grouped together : as it is impossible to sort by colours (at least I think), I attach a flag to each category (trying as much as possible to fit the flag color with the selected colouring, but this is not an obligation), and sort by flags. This results in the attached screen copy. Only small limitation : there are only 7 flags, so this limits to 7 topics.


PS : this looks a bit like a Thunderbird mailbox.

On 30 Jan 2024, at 20:51, Henry Seiden wrote:


Coloring of messages in the message window works great for me in every version since r6015 onwards. I believe recent changes have affected coloring, but here’s how I color messages by the mailbox and/or source. If you want to individually color messages or color by Subject or other parameters then I’m unsure if this method will work for you or if it’s what you seek:
1. Select Source mailbox or inbox you wish to color,
2. Adjust the coloring on the Source or Inbox by selecting the desired *color* from the drop down menu (CTL+select) pop-out menu. 3. Similarly select the option to “Use color in message” at the bottom of the colors in that menu.![](cid:863DFE2B-3DE4-443E-8298-BCC70538BBD4@pasteur.fr "inbox.png")

4. Rinse and repeat above for all Source or other SmartMailboxes desired.
5. Check to see that contents are correctly colored.

Attaching a sample of the colored messages for reference as they appear in All Messages. Note that all lines in each message are colored as viewed in the message window(s).

Good luck.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://techworkspro.com__;!!JFdNOqOXpB6UZW0!q7BNlB0JbnkkVg2eEu6r9tmiTwV85fh04TpiNof6uFHEcGc93nA4dD0MKlQQBoeKBBSEPrCSbOqqFq1E6g$
On 30 Jan 2024, at 13:34, Alan Dobkin wrote:

Hi Sven,

Support for this feature changed several months ago in the test releases. There was some discussion about it on the mailing list here. Refer to the resolution in my bug report here:

Colored Messages not working in recent test builds

On 1/30/2024 1:23 PM, Sven Klages wrote:
I am using version 1.14 (6019, testing).
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