Bill - the email wasn't aimed at asking Microsoft for support on a public 
mailing list. It wasn't a technical support request at all. It was from a 
network person, separate the end user, looking into an issue which he is 
unforunately lumped with, who decided to ask a community of people who 
specialise in e-mail if they possibly see something that he didn't amongst a 
set of email headers. Surely that is an appropriate discussion to have amongst 


To the couple of people who did reply off-list, thanks. I think I'm now armed 
with some useful information to send back to the client on what they should be 
doing to resolve it.


-----Original Message-----
From: mailop [] On Behalf Of Bill Cole
Sent: Friday, 24 November 2017 2:44 PM
To: Shane Clay via mailop <>
Subject: Re: [mailop] Office 365 - Emails marked as not passing fraud detection

On 23 Nov 2017, at 22:31 (-0500), Shane Clay via mailop wrote:

> Any ideas?

Maybe an organization that is clearly paying Microsoft for email services 
should consider the possible utility of going directly to Microsoft for 

I'm 100% serious about that. It's been a few months since I was an admin for an 
O365 account, but in that time I strongly doubt that MS has become more opaque 
and unhelpful to their direct customers than they are to random non-customers 
on a public-ish mailing list. Michael Wise (of
MS) is frequently quite helpful here but only to a point that can often be 
vague because he needs to be vague. OTOH, using the available tools and support 
system inside O365 to make special exceptions for messages that look possibly 
fake (like ones too and from the same address) worked for me in seconds to days 
every time in the 4 years that I had to fix a FP problem there.

TL;DR: Those paying for a service should seek and receive support for that 
service from their paid service provider and in my direct experience, O365 
customers get that.

(You can't imagine how painful it is for me to praise MS.)

Bill Cole or (AKA @grumpybozo and many 
* addresses) Currently Seeking Steady Work:

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