In article <> 
you write:
>The use of IDs instead of the real original email in the return-path
>may also be because of length limits.
>Max length of an email address is 254 chars. If you have to insert it
>"almost clear" in a return path and change the domain then there are
>chance your return-path address will be more than 254 chars.
>so if your original address is "a 242" how do you
>add VERP to it without some sort of obfuscation?

Actually, you're more likely to hit the local-part limit of 64 first,
but how many real addresses (as opposed to artificial stress tests
ones) have you seen where that's a problem?

I'm not opposed to using tokens but I don't see it as a security
issue, just something that might save a lookup in bounce processing.


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