On Mon, 2019-10-07 at 15:34 +0200, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
> Hello All,
> this is my first post to this list - I just learned about its existence and
> someone told me that maybe it is possible to solve my issue here.
> I run my own personal mailserver at rafa.eu.org for quite a few years. All
> the time I had absolutely no problems with sending messages to Gmail. Few
> weeks ago I learned that Gmail suddenly started marking e-mails that I send
> to Gmail users as spam. As users usually never look into their spam folders,
> they don't receive my mail.

Trust me, you're not the only one with this problem. My own server has
been on the same IP address for like 8 years, on much cleaner IP space
than OVH, and has never sent any bulk or unsolicited mail and Google
drops my mail into Spam now too for no reason.

There is no technical reason for this, they just apparently don't want
mail from infrequent senders. Or just don't want anyone running their
own mail server, take your pick.

I hear pretty much every day someone with the same problem. It's
routine now to see any communication from anyone include "please check
your spam folder, we've had a lot of problems with our mail being
filtered incorrectly".

TLDR; it's them, not you. And no I don't think there's anything you can
do to fix it :/

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