Bit of a strange week this week, seems almost like the spammer groups are taking turns. Emotet's new email templates, being sent from compromised accounts has been increasing, with some of it sneaking through current filtering methods, so the spam auditors have been busy tweaking filtering rules, as much of this comes from accounts on the too big to block.

Strangely, the spam bots on infected routers, have gone real quite this week, a drop of about 75% in volume. While Cutwail came back a couple of weeks ago, it doesn't look like this is expanding, and most of the sources are identified.

Auth attack source growth continue from Amazon AWS, GoogleCloud, and Azure.

OVH/Digital Ocean Spammers keep popping up, as usual, and more and more of their IP space is starting to appear on many blacklists.

Google spam leakage on the increase again.

And of course, still no improvement from the SendGrid problems, not only shared accounts being compromised to send the worst of the phishing emails, but seeing even dedicated SendGrid customers being compromised to send the really bad stuff. PS, if a SendGrid rep is listening, you might like to smack, and the subscriber list they use.. purchased?

Chuckling over the ISP that uses Sophos, and the headers show Sophos detected a virus in the attachment, but the ISP still sends it out..

Emotet .. Received: from (HELO (
X-Sophos-AV-Policy: File_Infected
X-Irideos-Libra-ESVA: No virus found

Endurance Group seems to be leaking a lot of Emotet.. Maybe they need Sophos ;) No, not picking favourites, but time to review your AV and see if it is catching Emotet.

If it DOES, do your customer a favour (look at the AUTH headers) and tell them their system is infected.

Watch for this weekend, have a feeling that Emotet and others are going to start 'ripping it up', given the success they had this week.

Take care everyone, see you all on the other side.. (of the weekend)

        -- Michael --

PS, going to start quote of the day, for biggest chuckles on whitelisting requests reported... eg.. "i am not sending any spam. i am only doing simple marketing mailing", would the readers of this list like those? And frankly, request from team members.. ESP's, please stop sending automated removal requests.. canned requested, or bot requests don't help any one.. You want to engage properly, so they can help you with the problems you have in the first place..

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