On 24.10.20 00:48, Adam Moffett via mailop wrote:
> Nail on head Brandon.
> An additional argument is how much support labor is it worth to
> guide/force/teach the use of cloud storage compared to the risks of
> allowing larger emails?  One of these is things is way easier.  Someday
> I may bow to the needs of ignorance because it's easier.
I am pretty sure none of your users sends encrypted emails, do they?
Inside of a company perhaps, but between different ones? Usually not.
Explaining that is a lot more difficult than having a file exchange
system in whatever form.

(BTW still the easiest way to get an unencrypted text or unprotected zip
file is to just tell them you can't open it.)

Then there's the issue of the law defining retention times, audit
compliant storage, backups and such for business communication which
does get a lot more difficult if big files are involved.

Besides email transports not being made for file transfer, the storage
mechanisms of MUAs aren't made for big files either.

Email is for sending letters, let DHL handle the bigger boxes.

Thomas Walter

Thomas Walter

FH Münster
- University of Applied Sciences -
Corrensstr. 25, Raum B 112
48149 Münster

Tel: +49 251 83 64 908
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