From their web site: WHITELISTING IS RECOMMENDED FOR IP Registration is available for 1 Month (25 CHF), 6 Month (50 CHF), 12 Month (70 CHF), 24 Month (90 CHF) . So yes, perhaps it's not extortion. We may call it demanding money with menaces, exaction, extraction, blackmail...

Lot's of things in life require payment(s), or purchase of addon equipment, depending on your circumstances in life, your living arrangements, or your location. If you are in a high-crime area your mortgage insurance will probably require you to purchase an alarm, or if your home is prone to house fires, a smoke detector. Then there are taxes, fees, licenses, etc. Life is self is pay-to-play, whether you realize it or not.

Yeah, and when they'll need more beer they can just update their formula so as to blacklist a whole AS on the first spam, or maybe the whole RIR.

That's a fair point, there's no reason to not question their motives. I just personally don't see that it's a profit center for them.

Just do the math. They blocked at least 100K IPs, because 1% of these IPs sent spam in the last 7 days. If 0.5% of those 100K IPs decide to subscribe to their whitelist, that's at least 50000 CHF / 24 months. Which is I guess a rather comfortable income that largely exceeds their costs.

Also, they seem to ignore that, while it is feasible for ISPs to eradicate spam on their network, it is impossible for server providers to do this:

"If big providers like DTAG and Microsoft can so effectively prevent that their customers are sending spam, why can your provider not also do so? The simple answer is: The Abuse Departements of providers NOT listed in our Level 3 are doing an excellent job, while those listed do not. If your provider really wants to stop the excessive spam coming from their ranges they would simply install some preventive measures."

Honest customers can have their WordPress website hacked.
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