On 01.05.21 09:05, Chris via mailop wrote:
> Heh.  You've never used Qpsmtpd or Haraka, I can tell.  Haraka and

Nope. Didn't have to. That's why I was curious about use cases that were
not possible with the more common MTAs.

> qpsmtpd are basically skeletons where you can insert plugins to
> do/redefine anything you want pre/during/post any step of SMTP.  Want to
> extend/redefine SMTP?  Sure.  Parallelize queries to any kind of
> database?  Fine.  Regexp subjects and programmatically blackhole, nuke,
> reject or temp?  Fine.  Skip steps when you've already decided you don't
> want it?  Fine.

So, like the basic Postfix skeleton that comes fully assembled and is
not missing its fingers? ;-)

Don't like the smtpd? You can swap it with anything else, can't you?
AFAIK the interface between postfix's modules are all well defined?

Yes, of course that's not an easy task to do, but it doesn't sound like
there is a lot less of coding for Qpsmtpd or Haraka either?

I have scripted my own little policy daemon for postfix in PHP to do
some basic checks and rate limiting. That doesn't give me access to the
raw smtp data, but to a whole lot of data from it

Rspamd seems to get enough data from postfix's milter interface to do
proper and fast antispam filtering and you can extend that with all
kinds of LUA functions. Yes, that's not postfix, but in a way, it's just
a plugin like the others need too?

Thomas Walter

Thomas Walter

FH Münster
- University of Applied Sciences -
Corrensstr. 25, Raum B 112
48149 Münster

Tel: +49 251 83 64 908
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