Am 12.05.21 um 08:13 schrieb Michael Rathbun via mailop:
> You may wish to take into account economic realities.
> YOU are not a Microsoft customer.
> The RECIPIENTS are not Microsoft customers.
> None of the above parties pays Microsoft a cent.

Yet at the same time Microsoft expects "the world" to accept mail from their 
customers. Neither Microsoft nor their
customers pay "the world" a cent.

Mail works because operators of mail system accept mail from each other in the 
general case, spam rejection
notwithstanding, well knowing that there is no direct economic incentive in 
doing so.

Part of the implicit duties of operating a mail service is to accept abuse 
reports when one of your customers spams, and
take effective action against it, and on the other hand to accept reports when 
your own spam-rejecting mechanisms
generate false positives, and adjust them accordingly.

If big operators such as Microsoft, Google, IONOS, etc. feel they can get away 
with doing neither of these because of
their "importance", something is severely broken.


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