On 11/22/21 12:09 PM, Joel M Snyder via mailop wrote:
I've got a free caching resolver in my edge firewall, but it needs some upstream resolvers to query.

And what if it didn't need upstream resolvers because it was a recursive resolver in and of itself?

To your other points about maintenance, you're already maintaining the resolver in your edge firewall.

I can't make a good argument for anything other than open resolvers.

I think the argument is dependent on your preference and the need in each specific case.

Aside: Microsoft's Active Directory and it's DNS requirements come to mind. -- Last I checked, it was still considered good that this information wasn't open to the public / Internet DNS infrastructure.

The question for me is WHICH open resolvers.

Is it?

Do you /need/ to choose an open resolver if the caching resolver built into your edge firewall is recursive?

Aside: While we're enhancing the caching resolver that's built into your edge firewall, let's also have it do DNSSEC validation.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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