Hi Florian,

Raymond Dijkxhoorn via mailop wrote on 26.11.21 at 09:53:

(Also sended to them directly but hopeing someone can ping them)

rejected because is listed at ix.dnsbl.manitu.net

never tried myself, but on https://www.nixspam.net there's a form to ask for unblocking. Not sure however if confirmation from postmaster@ is required.

I saw that. I resolved it locally and posted just here to give both Microsoft and Manitu/NixSpam a heads up.

The list might not be used insain widely, i dont know, but decided to post so they can resolve it. I am not going to request seperate ip's its a big very big list that i have seen so likely its a large range thats impacted here.

But thanks for the pointer, appreciated!

Thanks! Raymond - SURBL
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