On 2022-04-24 at 00:55 +0200, Jean-François Bachelet wrote:
> Hello ^^)
> Haven't read the full EU stuff yet, but question :
> How can we be possibly become aware of such possible threats without 
> SPYING -read it all- the email passing by our mail servers ???

Well, it only applies *when* you become aware of that.

The clear example I can think of would be a Facebook post saying "I
will install a number of bombs next week". That is published
automatically by the user (Facebook is not aware of it). Then the post
is flagged by a user and reviewed by a moderator. *At that point*
Facebook would "become aware" of such information, and need to report
it to the Law Enforcement.

On the other hand, if you are a site which accepts guest posts, with a
policy of reviewing everything before publishing, you would be expected
to have been become aware of that.

Of course, if you are instead the NSA, you would probably want a
trigger on every mention of the word "bomb", you know, for the Greater
Good of National Security, even if that means getting a lot of False
Positives... such as this thread.

> only a jackass wana be terr****st will put dangerous/alarm trigger
> stuff in the Subject of his emails.

I don't think the Subject line of emails would be any different than
the body wrt to not spying your users.
(Nevertheless, I am sure many crooks have used incriminating Subject
lines on their emails)

> so do the EU wants us to play as NSA for free ? and pursue us if we
> don't...

As mentioned above, I don't think so. 

Moreover, the proposal itself reminds 
> the prohibition of general monitoring obligations, as interpreted EN
> 4 EN by the Court of Justice of the European Union⁸.
> ⁸ For instance, Judgment of 3 October 2019, Glawischnig-Piesczek (C-
> 18/18).

Also of interest, this proposal doesn't seem to have been approved yet


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