It occurred to me that it might help for me to provide more context to the questions I asked. I was possibly relying too much on the thread context...

On 6/18/2022 3:40 PM, Noel Butler via mailop wrote:

I was a very early (even in testing) user of SPF,  It's rather commical reading these FUD sayers about SPF and mailing lists, it has never been a problem with mailing lists, not using mailman nor its more common predecessor majordomo, and I've never noticed anything wrong with qmail users ezmlm.

This establishes the context of SPF and mailing lists.  Hence my question.

Also, the above text makes the incorrect assertion that this isn't a problem when a message passes through a mailing list. However, SPF breaks even with basic MTA relaying, nevermind mailing lists -- unless the MTA is registered in the SPF record. The delivery/re-post behavior of mailing lists not only breaks SPF but almost always also breaks DKIM. (This latter point is what motivated ARC.)

If you have used some half baked concoction that doesn't conform to standards that's not an SPF failure, it's yours. I've enforced and published SPF since get go, I did extensive testing and never found ONE instance of a list problem.

The reference to standards, here, does not have any obvious linkage to well-known specifications. Hence my question.

As for forwarding, SPF is only a problem if you dont follow standards and re-write.

Again, I've no idea what standards are being relied on here. Nor do I believe there are any that are helpful to this issue. Hence my question.

 Nearing two decades of SPF use (forget exactly its been so
long) never had a mailing problem sending or receiving with SPF and I've always published hard fail, rarely forward Email, and it seems our customers don't either.

This appears to rely on a single person's experience. Never a good scientific method, except for that person's own use.

In any event, it is fully at odds with industry-wide reporting over those decades. (It's also against the basic physics of the SPF design.)

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