On Wed, 23 Nov 2022, Tobias Fiebig via mailop wrote:

We can have an awful lot of discussions about this, and there is
a lot going on; Besides the obvious 'is it good or not' and 'is
this really science?', we essentially deal with 'science' with
all its incentives (publish or perish); This means trying to do
research on Internet protocols that have been around for longer
than the combined age of the PI and PhD in many cases; PhDs fall
out of their masters before getting into such a topic, and then
essentially have a year to know all the ins and out of a protocol
that grew over the past 40 years... because after the first year
they _should_ basically have their first paper under
submission. Certainly people that haven't run their own
mailserver/authNSes for more than a decade. Yes, recipe for

IIUC the first PhD candidates were not raw graduates but experiences
practitioners in their field; a PhD as a research training came later.

Although I *did* start a PhD in Maths/Computer Graphics straight after my BSc., my brother worked as a hospital doctor for several years after qualify
before starting his MD (which not the standard medical degree in the UK)
and a friend of my wife's practiced alternative medicine for many years before
starting a PhD in that area.

If VT PhD students don't have the experience needed in the topics they study,
then shouldn't VT change either the students or the topics ?

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK
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