On Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 10:57:37PM +0200, Atro Tossavainen via mailop wrote:
> It was reported in Finnish news today https://yle.fi/a/74-20014495 that
> the city of Kuopio (#8 largest in the country) is unable to send email
> to addresses served by Google and that this would be expected to last
> for about two weeks.

I tend to warn against blanket block of whole IP ranges or whole domains myself,
but I know some actors do just that.

I have myself been less than pleased with Google's mail handling at times,
but for a domain or IP range block to have been put in place, there would have
had to have been a fairly major incident (possibly of the misconfiguration kind)
to trigger those extreme measures.

The main irritant here is that the big G seems to not ever actually answer
messages. You only know they notice you fixed the problem by your mail actually
reaching Google hosted destinations after their dis-grace period expires.

> I am not affiliated with the city of Kuopio or their ICT partner
> Istekki myself, I'm just watching this as a curious onlooker.
> Based on what I see in spamtraps, "sending email from Microsoft environments"
> isn't happening. 100% of the (very small amount of) email genuinely sent
> from the City of Kuopio is sent from a dedicated server managed by Istekki
> which is not a Microsoft environment.

Routing outgoing through a smarthost that is properly identified as such in the
various SMTP related TLAs (and others) would be my recommendation too, at least 
until there are indications that the IP or domain reputation is sufficiently 
on the mend. 

- Peter

Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
https://bsdly.blogspot.com/ https://www.bsdly.net/ https://www.nuug.no/
"Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
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