
* Slavko via mailop ( wrote:
> Dňa Mon, 6 Mar 2023 17:41:45 -0500 Stephen Frost via mailop
> <> napísal:
> > > I was interesting in this, thus i log DKIM signed headers list (not
> > > from ML) for some weeks, oversigned List-* headers are not common,
> > > but happens.  
> > 
> > I'm curious where it does happen and isn't actually from a mailing
> > list..  The List-* header would presumably be empty in that case and
> > yet still included in the signature?  I realize it's possible but ...
> > ugh.
> I agree and i consider this as "ugh" too. IMO if message is not from ML
> these headers does not construct core of message ;-)
> Initially i noticed it in my job's email. I didn't see server config
> nor know its signing software, thus i can guess only, but IMO it comes
> from exim -- i roughly remember that from some headers in past.
> By default exim (4.94) uses this list of headers to sign:
> ...:List-Id:List-Help:List-Unsubscribe:List-Subscribe:List-Post:List-Owner:List-Archive
> That means, that exim signs all occurrences (not over sign) and
> nonexistence of these headers. exim provides second list of headers, it
> is exactly the same, but over signs all these headers, thus things are
> the same (in this topic). That means that in both default cases, all
> these headers are always included in signature.
> Try to guess how many exims uses one of these defaults? IMO, that will
> not be negligible...

I just went through and did a review of a few years of email to the
PostgreSQL mailing lists and while it wasn't completely scientific
(using grep mainly and not some proper processing), I found only two
messages that arrived to any of the lists that I'm on (which is all the
big ones and most of the others) that had a 'List.*' header in a 'h='
line and one of those was clearly a bit of spam that got through.

Certainly doesn't seem to be a common issue.



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