On 3/28/23 12:49 PM, Mike Hillyer via mailop wrote:
In the spirit of splitting hairs, as someone who has opened a retail business, code violations are usually something that *hasn't* been done. In this case updating a server.

Eh ... a choice, possibly unconscious, was made to not do what was required.

In a "failing to plan is (tantamount to) planing to fail" sort of way.

Other than Microsoft's statement, I don't see a requirement that SMTP servers be running current (Microsoft) software.

I see no reason why the email industry in general should follow suit.

What's more, is it's likely dangerous for us to follow Microsoft in this regard. I suspect that they have a MUCH better understanding of what version strings translate to what version of their products than people outside of Microsoft.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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