On 29 March 2023 13:53:59 "Gellner, Oliver via mailop" <mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
I'm not sure what is meant by EOL

In this context, Exchange Online.

I understand the "eventually", but for now it's only applying to their closest customers.

At work I already have some small scoring rules in place that identify emails with received headers that hint at decade+ out of date MTA installs but take no action on them. They're just one more indicator of the trustworthyness of the source of the email.

If an organisation is still using something like Exchange 5.5, then the likelihood of the emails coming through it being malware is pretty high.

On the one hand, we as an industry curse and spit at MS for a number of things. Let's not do that when they're doing something which is actually fairly useful!

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