OK, we are still having issues with this.
We are using Sophos as an email gateway.
They generated a DKIM record and are telling us we need to send that to our 
domain registrar to add it to our DNS records?
Is this correct? I understood DKIM was server side only?

From: mailop <mailop-boun...@mailop.org> On Behalf Of Salvatore Jr Walter P via 
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2023 2:06 PM
To: 'mailop@mailop.org' <mailop@mailop.org>
Subject: [EXT] - [mailop] Dkim fails, success on same email?

Getting reports back from several ISPs like the one below.
It shows dkim failing for the IP, but successful for the domain?
The domain "mail-dkim-us-west-2.prod.hydra.sophos.com" uses multiple IPs,
One of which is "". We do receive failures on all other IPs as 
Is this an actual issue or something we can ignore?


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