On 7/14/23 11:31 AM, Michael Peddemors via mailop wrote:
You all realize that the poor guy looking for a guide on how to set up and email server long since left, you scared him to death with the complexity..

Why does an active ongoing conversation between multiple parties need to stop because the person that asked the original question walked away?

How and why are the currently active and communicating parties dependent on the person that originally asked the question?

We need to 'encourage' people to run their own mail servers, not scare them away..

If you read any part of my replies I think you would see that I am trying to encourage people to run their own mail server.

I try to be very much here's how you do something, here are the problems that you'll likely run into, and here's how you overcome those problems. Let's talk if you have questions.

Suggest you might consider changing the topic, if you want to argue the various nuances and complexities of SPF/DKIM/DMARC etc..?

And break existing threading and avoid any ignore thread filters that people have put in place?

That seems like people changing email addresses to get around filters.

No thank you.

Grant. . . .
mailop mailing list

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