Am 10.11.2023 22:27 schrieb Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop:

> Dnia 10.11.2023 o godz. 21:09:31 Louis Laureys via mailop pisze:
> > You can probably tell from my wording how I feel about this. I get
> > the battery efficiency part. Not the part where ActiveSync has an
> > exception to it, and their own battery efficient IDLE alternative
> > is not accessible to most. Let alone the fact that has caused
> > basically all third party emails to just capture your credentials.  
> I don't understand, why the push notifications cannot work
> independently of IMAP?

It would be possible, but that needs to be polled (SPI firewalls, NAT
etc. need at least hole-punching).
Companies like MS or Apple don't look for such a solution when the
users accept that they have their credentials.

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