On Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 08:11:42AM +0000, Alexandre Dangreau via mailop wrote:
> Hello, 
> In fact, if you need a /64 IPv6 range you probably use the wrong service. For 
> VPS and Public Cloud instances (PCI) the IPv6 range is shared with all the 
> VM, so each VM (VPS or PCI) have one single IPv4 (/32) and one single IPv6 
> (/128).
> Only baremetal have a dedicated /64 IPv6 range. The support team could help 
> you to find a server corresponding to your needs.

Let me point out the obvious: that is a suicidal approach.

You're not exactly running out of /64's. There are altogether
18 446 744 073 709 551 616 of them in the address space, not all of
which are yours, of course, but even if you only have a /32 you
still have 4 billion, and it's safe to say you don't have 4 billion
customers. (I will go deeper into this at the end of this message.)

Spamhaus released their IPv6 policy already in 2011:


They refer to RFC 6177:


I am nobody, but I wholeheartedly wish for OVH to reconsider its
approach and to always assign at least a /64 to a customer, no
matter whether they're buying VPS or bare metal. (It should be
per customer, not per unit of hardware, as well.)

You have over 17 billion /64's in your four /32's. Restricting all
VPS customers to a single /64 is something that could only be caused
by a fundamental, should I say utter, misunderstanding of IPv6.

Once again, please reconsider.

$ whois -h whois.radb.net -- '-i origin AS16276' | grep route6: | grep /32 | 
sort -u
route6:         2001:41d0::/32
route6:         2402:1f00::/32
route6:         2604:2dc0::/32
route6:         2607:5300::/32

Atro Tossavainen, Founder, Partner
Koli-Lõks OÜ (reg. no. 12815457, VAT ID EE101811635)
Tallinn, Estonia
tel. +372-5883-4269, https://www.koliloks.eu/
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