The IMDB and a little leg work reveal "Aeneas" has been
on screen 5 times
1927: The Private Life of Helen of Troy
1956: Helen of Troy
1961: The Trojan Horse
1962: The Avenger [sequel to The Trojan Horse]
1971: Trolius and Cressida
As Peter mentioned, _The Trojan Horse_ is taken in part
from Book 2 of the Aeneid; _The Avenger_ deals with
the second half of the Aeneid.
Also, I would be skeptical that any film based on
Dante's _Inferno_ would include Vergil as a character (viz.
the 1935 version)

Bob White

(PS) Peter- how do you get that A-E ligature in
your mail?

Robert T. White
Shaker Heights HS/ Shaker Heights OH

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