>From Ed DeH.:

>I'm coming in the back door of this Virgil and film discussion (I've been
>on spring break) but the Sean Connery, Kevin Costner _Untouchables_ struck
>me as Vergilian at the end when Ness pushes the mob hit-man (Nitti is his
>name I think?) off the roof. A film which has gone to great lengths to show
>the humanity of Elliot Ness closes with Ness committing a grevious breach
>of that humanity, much like the close of the _Aeneid_. I recently noticed
>it so I have not used it with classes yet but hope this helps.
The main glitch, comparison-wise, is that Nitti is quite defiant toward Ness
(until he gets thrown off the roof), whereas Turnus is pretty blubbery
at the end....

Another possibilty: using the scene of
two-guys-in-the-cowsuit (from *Top Secret!*)
to explain how Daedalus was able to get the bull
to "pay attention" to Pasiphae in Book VI...

Bob White

Robert T. White
Shaker Heights HS/ Shaker Heights OH

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