hello Randi - shall that be an answer? something wrong in my letter?
grusz, hansz

> This is a test to see if I am able to post to Mantovano free of gibberish. 
>  (Thanks, David, for your help so far.)
> Randi Eldevik
> Oklahoma State University
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hans Zimmermann)
> 03/12/00 01:09 PM
> Please respond to mantovano
>         To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         cc:     (bcc: Randi C Eldevik/engl/cas/Okstate)
>         Subject:        VIRGIL: Picture of Vergilius: Mosaik in Bardo-Museum,
>  Tunis
> the famous portrait of Vergilius sitting between the two muses of 
> historiography 
> and tragedy is to be seen in the galery: 
> http://www.sn.schule.de/~latein/mosaiken.html
> for some time (not forever). 
> viel Spaß beim Anschauen (die Bilder leuchten auf dem Bildschirm, sie sind 
> fast 
> schöner als die Originale...)
> grusz, hansz
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