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In the early MapHist discussion that you mentioned (presumably the one that took place in October of 2009) there was at least one message noting the /Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp./ case, in which the US District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled in 1999 that exact photographic copies of public domain images (e.g. of art works, but presumably this would also apply to maps) could _not_ be copyrighted. I have no idea whether this ruling has any current standing, but the actual ruling makes interesting reading. See the Wikipedia article:

-- Jeremy

On 11/28/2010 8:42 AM, J. B. Post wrote:
This is a MapHist list message (when you hit 'reply' you're replying to the 
whole list)
o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o + o +

A few years back, there was a question on this list about copyright of reproductions/photographs of maps obviously in the public domain. The upshot was in UScopyright law, photographs and some other reproductions of graphic works are considered to be new artistic creations and the copyright is claimed on them, not on the original graphic work. I haven't looked at all that many websites with maps on them and was wondering if there is any sense if most claim copyright of their contents. This is not the same as "copy protection" which attempts to keep the images from being downloaded and is a technical thing, not a legal thing. Even if a site allows free downloading, it could still claim a copyright, even if only a general one for the site itself, intended as a blanket for the contents. Any sense on the general practice?


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