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Many thanks to all those who have offered  more information and comments 
concerning Lord Burghley's Maps.
      I was aware of the one or ones he had  prepared for Lancashire in 
part to keep track of families suspected of being  outwardly conforming Church 
Papists and in some cases actual recusants or  pro-active crypto-Roman 
Catholics -- with Lancashire known for being a region  where many clung to "Ye 
Olde Faith" longer, even after the defeat of the Spanish  Armada in 1588.
     However, that was also true for Warwickshire,  especially the gentry 
in the portion to the south and also parts of  Worcestershire and 
Gloucestershire that bordered onto Warwickshire.
     So my main interest is trying to determine if Lord  Burghley also had 
similar maps made for these shire, especially  Warwickshire.  Perhaps 
someone knows the answer off the top of their  head.
Peter Dickson
Arlington, Virginia
Phone:  703-243-6641
Email:  _pwdbard@aol.com_ ( 
MapHist: E-mail discussion group on the history of cartography
hosted by the Faculty of Geosciences, University of Utrecht.
The statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of
the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of
Utrecht. The University of Utrecht does not take any responsibility for
the views of the author.
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