I'm struggling with this one. To the extent that I'm now probably missing really obvious things.. this is a cry for help!
I've no problem uploading MI tables to MS Access and setting up the live ODBC link using the Open DBMS menu item, dialogs etc. What I'd like to do is write some MB code to automate setting up of sources, connection to these and eventually opening of remote DBMS data.Right now I'd be more than happy just to automate the opening of already sourced DBMS tables.
Using the Server_Connect() and Server Link Table syntax all I manage to achieve is to open the Select Data Source dialog (Not much point!)
How do I indicate which data source to link to and then navigate through the remaining steps to open my data in a mapper?
To make things easier I have these components.. My Access Mdb is called Points.Mdb.This contains a table called Adds, which has a text column called address.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Ioan Davies Jones

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