Hello DTCC 4.1 Users,

In an effort to better serve our customers, NIMA has decided to
discontinue support to the MADTRAN and DT&CC4.1 datum transformation and
coordinate conversion applications.  In their place, we will begin
offering GEOTRANS.  GEOTRANS, a stand-alone application jointly owned by
NIMA and the Army Topographic Engineering Center (USATEC) and developed
by PAR Government Systems, will run under either Windows NT/95 or Sun
Solaris.  The GEOTRANS graphical user interface is well organized and
easy to navigate and the software is provided with well-written user
document on and extensive on-line help.  DISA's Joint Interoperability
Test Center (JITC) has certified GEOTRANS as meeting the functional and
performance requirements of the Joint Mapping Toolkit (JMTK).  In fact,
GEOTRANS has been chosen as the coordinate transformation engine for
JMTK.  As part of JMTK Utilities Segment, GEOTRANS based APIs will work
on all required DIICOE platforms.

GEOTRANS supports the following capabilities: all datum transformations
specified in the most recent (3rd) edition of NIMA's WGS84 Technical
Report (TR8350.2); accurate coordinate conversions between 25 different
coordinate systems, grids, and projections; height conversions between
heights referenced to the WGS84 ellipsoid and Mean Sea Level (using
EGM96); output coordinate accuracy reporting; creation of user specified
datums and ellipsoids; coordinate file processing; and more!  NIMA will
begin offering GEOTRANS for download through the web site currently set
up to distribute MADTRAN in late-October.  Links to this site will be
established from the JMTK home page, the DT&CC4.1 web site, and other
relevant (to-be-identified) sites.  GEOTRANS source code is available
through the government Points of Contact indicated below.

Stay tuned to this and related sites for further information.  Check
back in late October to obtain your copy of GEOTRANS.  If you have any
questions or comments, please contact Dennis Bredthauer at (301)
227-2696 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or Dan Specht at (703) 428-6761

Dennis Bredthauer
National Imagery and Mapping Agency
(301) 227-2696

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