Hypoxia and its Dead Zone versus Soil Carbon Credits

Yes, MapInfo, we too can contribute.....

In the Mid-West agriculture kicks out about $98 billion worth of
commodities even in the bad years.  And apparently there is another
result: the leakage of nitrates, organic nitrogen, and phosphates that
are killing one our planet's most productive fisheries in an area about
the size of New Jersey adjacent to the Mississippi River's delta.  (It
also makes the water in New Orleans just plain taste bad and turns your
teeth brown!)

 About ten days ago, October 20th, one of "those darned and damming
reports" appeared - like those reports about the Ozone Hole, Global
Warming, and Tobacco Does/Does Not Cause Cancer..

Yes, this hypoxia is a really big problem that is doubling in size say
every ten years.  And its cause conclusion places a target and the
National interests-sight directly on the farming systems and sewerage
for hog farms and cities alike in 31 states that drain into the

For the aggies, the issue is how to cut back say 20 percent of the
nitrogen (really nitrogen and phosphate) applied in the region, recover
five million acres of wetlands lost over the years to help filter and
capture this leakage,  and still keep enough families on farms to do all
the work.  In my opinion, site specific farming systems are an answer -
twenty million acres and growing at fifty percent a year.

These are very BIG environmental versus society issues that my bet are
as real as they are political.  They are best articulated, analyzed and
presented as Maps.  If you are interested, you might take a surf and
read about this.

The BIG picture and why the EPA is interested....


An old friend(?) that is part of the solution....


And some maps for consideration.....


MidNight Mapper
aka Neil
Soil Carbon Credits Anyone?

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