
Thanks to everyone who replied - I'm making some progress, but have hit
another bump. BTW, here's the complete URL for one of the maps I'm working

First, thanks to Matt Wilkie who determined that despite the downloaded
files retaining their .gz extension, they were not actually compressed!
According to Matt, "The reason is some servers are setup to automatically
uncompress gzipped files on normal requests." I just trimmed off the .gz
extension, leaving the files with the .e00 extension of an ArcInfo export

Here's where the new wrinkle comes in - the accompanying USGS text file
describes the projection as follows:

        The map databases consist of ARC coverages which are stored in State Plane
(California coordinate system) projection (Table 1).  Digital tics define a
2.5 minute grid         of latitude and longitude in the geologic coverages
corresponding with quadrangle corners and internal tics.  In the base map
layer, the tics define a 7.5 minute grid,       corresponding with quadrangle

        Table 1 - Map Projection
        The map is stored in State Plane projection

        UNITS METERS                    -on the ground
        ZONE 3426                       -Arc/Info State Plane zone corresponding to
California coordinate system zone 7
        DATUM NAD27
        PARAMETERS                      -none

This seems to be a custom projection, since the unit of measure in the State
Plane Coordinate System is the Survey Foot. ArcLink opens these files
perfectly, but because the default setting in MI for units in NAD27 SPCS is
survey feet, the files aren't projected correctly.

I know I can edit the MI projection file to create a custom projection, but
will ArcLink recognize the custom projection and import the file properly?

Thanks again to everyone.

Tim Warman
Geologist & GIS Specialist
Richard C. Slade & Associates
North Hollywood, CA
(818) 506-0418

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