Hello Hendrik

You could use RW Net for this. It creates topology in your polylines and can
find polylines where the end-node of has a valency of 1 (=dangling node). It
can also locate groups of subnets, that is polylines, which isn't connected
to the rest of the network. RW Net is a DLL, which can easily be integrated
with MapBasic.

If you find that this is too much for your needs, you could roughly do it
this way:
Extract all end coordinates of the polylines into "tmp1" and make a
SQL-query like this:

select x,y,count() from tmp1
group by x,y
into tmp2

and then join tmp2 with tmp1. Now you can check _COL3 for the value of 1.
But be warned: This is very slow in MapBasic, if your tables have any
significant size.


Uffe Kousgaard

----- Original Message -----
From: "Possberg, Hendrik (Fa. Microm)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'0 Mapinfo Newsgroup'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 4:48 PM
Subject: MI MB Dangling Nodes

Hello all,

for a project I have to copy and move plines and then connect
endnodes with endnodes of other plines.
After this part of work is done, I´d like to be sure that there
are no plines left in the front window with dangling nodes.
I would like to integrate this search into a MapBasic Code,
which should run with a click on a button.

Any Suggestions would be helpful.

Hendrik Poßberg

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