> * The next 0.20 release would have a non-deprecated old API.


> * The forthcoming 0.21 release would have a "Stable" (non-deprecated)
> old API, and a "Evolving" new API.


> * For some pre-1.0 release (perhaps 0.22), the old API could be
> deprecated again, and the new API marked as "Stable".
> * In the 1.0 release it would be possible to remove the old API.

thinking this is a different discussion.

but my preference is that 0.20 become 1.0 

buying time to evolve the evolving apis and build/dependency system over the 
next year(s) into a 2.0

this could bite me as I do like some of the changes i had to effect in my 
cascading wip 2.0 api to support the 'new' apis.

but a 1.0 will send a very useful message to potential users


Chris K Wensel

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