
On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 12:39 AM, Tim Alder <t...@alder-digital.de> wrote:
> I think the whole map application (OSM-Gadget) should someone rewrite in
> OpenLayers3 or Leaflet. Especially support for mobile should be better
> and the mediawiki-integration like you mension in "Kartographer".

I started an implementation based on Leaflet:
Test links are provided in the repository.

By default, it displays the Wikimedia Maps background. Besides, OSM is
available. More backgrounds are to come (should we copy the list of
the current gadget?).

It fetches parses the URL hash to obtain query parameters and fetches
the WIWOSM object.

Also, it displays displaying other articles in the surrounding using
the https://tools.wmflabs.org/wp-world/marks-geojson.php service.
To ease development, it would be great if wp-world/marks*.php would
send a `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` header.
The GeoJSON variant returns less information than the default (KML)
variant, e.g., the image and map icon are missing.


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