Hi Melvin,

Using a tool such as gdaltindex (see http://www.gdal.org/gdaltindex.html and http://mapserver.org/optimization/tileindex.html#tileindex) you can create a shapefile tile index that will give MapServer the information it needs to use the required rasters for the current map extent. In the shapefile there will be one feature that is the bounding box of each raster file, and an attribute that contains the path to the raster that each feature represents.


MeLv1n wAuRaN wrote:
hi all,

right now i have 50 .TIF files (a whole map of my region) my question is, is it possible for mapserver to load 50 .TIF files all together as a basemap? because from the tutorial i read, the samples only load 1 raster file..so, i'm wondering if it's possible to load all the 50 TIF files to the same .MAP

if not, then how do i merge all the TIF files into a single TIF? because when i load them all together in ArcMap it forms a whole map.

for the information, i'm still a newbie...so i still need alot of advices from the experts.

thanks for your help,


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