Hi: using 6.2.1 (Ubuntu) built from source along with the following
patch at
a321105412a20b.patch, we have a requirement to implement a WxS MapScript
approach for our OWS (we have up until now using the mapserv binary).

All works well, except for WMS GetCapabilities responses.  The result is
a truncated WMS Capabilities XML which gets truncated when MapServer is
printing out the root Layer element.

I've posted a minimal mapfile and the Python mapscript at
https://gist.github.com/tomkralidis/f70afd49270cb8efb62f. Observations:

- commenting out LAYER.METADATA.wms_layer_group eliminates the issue,
but we require this functionality
- commenting out LAYER.CLASSGROUP and LAYER.CLASS.GROUP, and
uncommenting LAYER.METADATA.wms_layer_group eliminates the issue, but we
require this functionality
- the same mapfile works just fine with mapserv binary

Any suggestions? I'm wondering whether the Python SWIG implementation
affects this.


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