Thanks but

what do you mean by : "Have you installed the headers for GD?" ?

to move to a newer version of MapServer: which one 7.07 
 the question is : which is the good version MapServer for the others
sources installation 
>>>>>>>>>> installation de freetype-2.8 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> installation de zlib-1.2.11 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> installation de libpng-1.6.32 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> installation de proj-4.9.3 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> installation de jpegsrc.v9b <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> installation de libiconv-1.15 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> installation de libgd-2.2.5 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> installation de gdal-2.2.1 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> installation de apr-1.6.2 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> installation de apr-util-1.6.0 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> installation de pcre-8.41 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> installation de httpd-2.4.27 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> installation de tomcat-connectors-1.2.42-src <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> installation de php-4.4.2 <<<<<<<<<<

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