DTED data is notoriously sparse.  If one combines all the files in a DTED 
dataset into a single Geotiff file using something like " gdalwarp -co 
TILED=YES */*.dt2 dted2.tif"

But GDAL will build a bounding box that's square with the world, and there 
might not be data for every 1x1 deg section of the bounding box.

When this happens, Mapserver fills in the missing data with zeros.  
Additionally, there might be data missing from within a 1x1 deg DTED file, and 
it is marked with a  NODATA flag of -32767.  

Is there some way for Mapserver to communicate to a client where data is 
missing?  I can't find anything in the coverage information provided to a WCS 
1.0.0 client.

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