I think a nice introduction to those services is the "MapServer OGC Web Services Workshop", and if you are on Windows it is included in MS4W as a package (https://ms4w.com) so you can run it locally, or you can view the workshop on the official MS4W demo server at https://ms4w.me/ms-ogc-workshop/ (I recommend clicking the "Slides for hands-on session" link there, which is old but still does a great job in explaining how WMS/WFS relates to MapServer)

Hello to the West Indies, from Canada!


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2019-04-04 9:55 AM, Jeremy JK wrote:
You don't know what you don't know.
What I know:
 From a tomcat training video
Site - formatting
Service - data
Socket - idk. Something to do with JavaScript, AJAX and chat rooms
So a Web mapping/feature service shares maps/features where a wms client like openlayers or leaflet does formatting.
Database ->WMS/WFS -> OpenLayers = website
Is my above reasoning correct?
Is that what a WMS/WFS MapServer is? What am I missing from this big picture model? Sorry for noob questions. But I when I explain things to my supervisor I want to get things right.  Thanks! (In the words of Einstein: If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research)
Jeremy Kadir
blueSpace Caribbean <http://www.bluespacecaribbean.com>
The University of the West Indies
(868) 309 9123

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