So, another example:

        Test & <  >  <!-- Test & < sd > --> Test
        <p>Test & < > <!-- Test & < sd > --> Test</p>


        p>Test &amp; &lt; > <!-- Test &amp; &lt; sd > --> Test</p>
        <p>Test & < > <!-- Test & < sd > --> Test</p>

It appears that the _EncodeAmpsAndAngles routine is being run over the comments, converting & and < to the HTML markup.

I tried adding & and < to $g_escape_table, and then protecting them. This seemed to work, but caused other problems and is clearly not a viable solution.

So it looks like there would have to be a specific mechanism in place for leaving comments alone, am I correct?



On Jan 13, 2008, at 8:06 PM, Fletcher T. Penney wrote:

It appears that Markdown will process ampersands contained within HTML comments if that comment is part of a markdown paragraph, but will not when that paragraph is contained within an HTML block of it's own (and therefore ignored by Markdown.)

For example:

This is a markdown paragraph with a comment that *will* be processed <!-- This & *will* be converted -->

<p><!-- This & will *not* be converted --></p>

It seems to me that the & within a comment should be ignored by Markdown and not converted to &amp;

The reason this is important for me, is that I am experimenting with using HTML comments as a means to pass text that should be ignored by MultiMarkdown (e.g. to allow raw LaTeX, etc). But some of the comments *are* being processed, which screws them up.

Thanks for any insight, and ideas on how to fix this!

Fletcher Penney

Fletcher T. Penney

Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind
is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention,
but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza.
        - Dave Barry

Fletcher T. Penney

Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind
is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention,
but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza.
        - Dave Barry

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