Le 2012-10-18 à 22:20, John Gruber <gru...@fedora.net> a écrit :

> I believe Markdown has thrived and continues to grow because I haven't fucked 
> around with it. The canonical docs are those on Daring Fireball.

The syntax document on Daring Fireball is a good definition of what Markdown 
is, and of the underlying philosophy. It's a good thing too that the syntax 
isn't defined in a too restrictive way: this leaves room for extensions and 
experimentation without breaking the claim that the modified version is still a 
Markdown implementation. Which means of course that Markdown is everywhere, 
even though it's not the same Markdown.

Markdown is not defined by its edge cases. But nevertheless those edge cases 
which differs between implementations are a problem for many people. I doubt 
very much that you being here on this list from time to time to give an opinion 
on whether something is a feature or a bug in Markdown.pl would impede 
Markdown's growth in any way. But of course, it's your time and you can spend 
it elsewhere if you want, and I respect that.

The case that spawned this thread seems to be a bug in your view. I say that 
because you fixed it in the unreleased 1.0.2b4 version of Markdown.pl, which 
added support for properly nested parens inside URLs. Which is great, except 
that 1.0.2b4 is an unreleased version from 2005 that not everyone can easily 

There are in fact two reference versions of Markdown right now -- Markdown.pl 
1.0.1 and Markdown.pl 1.0.2b8 -- exhibiting some differences in behaviours and 
in features. This is confusing, both for users and for implementers. It's also 
hard not to think that Markdown.pl is abandonware at this point because 1.0.1 
was was 8 years ago, and because of the beta left it in an unfinished state.

Despite its unfinished state, I know that 1.0.2b8 is indeed in widespread use. 
I had a lot of pressure to enable [shortcut-style] links in PHP Markdown a 
while ago, all that for interoperability with Markdown.pl (how ironic!). It's 
now enabled by default in PHP Markdown [and many other implementations][1].


Still, Markdown is stronger than ever. So perhaps we don't need to change any 
of that. I guess it's fine if Markdown.pl is left to a 8 year old version with 
unfixed bugs and lacking a feature you introduced yourself in an unfinished 
beta and that everyone is now using regardless. And I'm not being sarcastic: 
Markdown's growth doesn't seem impeded at all by that, so why change any of 

I think Markdown (and Markdown.pl) is in need for an update. A small one. Like 
adding shortcut-style links and fixing small bugs like parens in URLs... that'd 
be useful to many people and it wouldn't impede Markdown's growth in any way. 
It'll also make the "reference implementation" a slightly more reliable 
reference, and somewhat more credible. One update every 8 years isn't too many.

But that's indeed not needed for Markdown to thrive indeed, as the past years 
have shown. Feel free to continue not doing anything and passively watch it 
take over the world on its own. ;-)

For edge cases and interoperability issues, it probably ought to be someone 
else's spec. For one thing, you don't seem to have much time or interest for 
these matters. And also, it's probably better for growth if the official 
Markdown spec isn't screwed too tightly. This leaves more room for new 
implementations and experimentation, and more things can thus be called 

It's good to hear from you on this list John. Please keep doing that.

Michel Fortin

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