Hi guys,

I wanted to ask about your opinions on how we currently coordinate our
campaigns. Paul and I have discussed this a bit on irc and I believe
that we need to discuss about how we want to handle it going forward.

>From what I understood, being the marketing newbie, we currently have
2 recurring annual campaigns: one for the end of the year which
usually ends at the end of the Xmas/New Year festivities and another
one with a more specific goal, such as paying for hardware, hackfests,
etc. Due to some delays in getting all the web site components in
place for the "end of year" campaign of 2010, there was no clear start
and end delimiters set and that campaign is still active though nobody
really spelled out that it was a "end of the year" campaign. In other
words, whoever goes to our FoG page won't know that we're still doing
a "end of year" campaign.

I wanted to discuss about how many campaigns do we want to do this
year and if we want to turn the specific campaign into something that
can vary (i.e. A11Y campaigns, Hardware campaigns, etc)? Also, what do
we do with the current campaign? Do we want to end it? The goal was to
get 400 new subscribers but we've only managed to get 30.\

Sooo, going forward:

* Do we want to change the current number of campaigns per year?
* If so, do we vary the theme for the second campaign?
* what are the dates we should be holding them?
* Should we kill off the current one?

Thanks in advance,
Og B. Maciel
GNOME Foundation Board of Directors


GPG Keys: D5CFC202

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