I second what Brian says - when I was ED, our advisory board members often
told me the annual report was important for them to show people who helped
make the funding for the GNOME Foundation possible.

I'd like to also point people to Mozilla's annual report that just came out.
It's a website (or at least a set of web pages) with video, text and photos.
I'm not sure a web site would be as helpful to the advisory board members.
But it does seem like it might be seen by a lot more people.


On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Brian Cameron <brian.came...@oracle.com>wrote:

> Allan/Tobias:
> Great question.  The value of the Annual Report is that we provide it
> to current and existing advisory board members and sponsors to
> communicate the value of The GNOME Foundation, and GNOME Foundation
> membership.  After reading the Advisory Report, we hope that sponsors
> feel encouraged to participate and contribute to our efforts.
> So, if you have made use of GNOME travel sponsorship, found a hackfest
> productive, think the GNOME Women's Outreach program is great, then
> you should be think about the fact that the Annual Report is an
> important part of raising the funds to make these sorts of things
> possible.  It is our main communication vehicle to sponsors.
> Past Annual Reports have done a pretty good job of communicating this
> value.  We have been talking a lot about how the foundation.gnome.org
> website really lacks at communicating the values that we find in the
> reports.  So, we can think of the Annual Report as a part of a larger
> project focused on better communicating these values.
> With GNOME 3 released, now is probably the right time to evaluate how
> we need to update the GNOME Foundation image as well.  This is why I
> have suggested doing a one-off Biannual Report, and then return back
> to doing annual ones for future years.  This would allow us to go to
> press with a report that communicates the exciting GNOME 3 work the
> GNOME community has been focused on lately.
> In the past, the board has done most of the work printing and
> distributing the report and provides digital copies online.  I think we
> could do a much more effective job of identifying potential sponsors and
> sending them printed copies.  But Advisory Board members have told us
> that the reports help them to justify AdBoard membership and event
> sponsorship.
> I think there is a lot of room for the marketing team to help in many of
> these areas.
> Brian
> On 10/10/11 04:10 AM, Allan Day wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 6:58 PM, Tobias Mueller<mue...@cryptobitch.de>
>>  wrote:
>>> Hey Brian,
>>> On 27.09.2011 04:46, Brian Cameron wrote:
>>>> Is the
>>>> reason this task keeps falling to the wayside because it has become too
>>>> much work?
>>> Maybe. But I can imagine that the motivation to create such a report is
>>> not too high, because it lacks a reason, i.e. why should we create such
>>> a report in first place.
>> Indeed. Explaining the role and benefits of the report might help to
>> encourage people to work on it.
>> Allan
>> --
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